This past Thursday I was so pumped to hear I had received a package in the mail. Now this is not just any package, but this is a journal from a very dear friend of mine in Utah, Tiff. This package was named L.A.T.I.N. by Tiff and I. Now what those letters stand for, will go down to the grave with only us. ;) This journal was started around 3 years ago. Tiffany and her family moved away when I was going into the 7th grade and her into the 6th grade. This was a very hard goodbye for the both of us. We had been the best of friends for what seemed - forever. I was so scared to enter junior high without her. Who would be there to hold my hand when others girls treated me unfairly, who would sit by me at lunch as we giggled and whispered about the day's events, who would I share my deepest secrets with, how would I ever find another friend who understood me as well I did myself? Many tears were shed, but we promised we would continue to stay in contact, and we did. Letters, emails, phone calls, and as we got older it turned into texting, and Google chatting. However, this book is what truly keeps us together. One of us keeps this journal for a month or two and that person writes and places pictures inside of what is going on in their lives.
The infamous journal: L.A.T.I.N.
My visit to Utah in August 2008.
I had so much fun exploring Utah with Tiff and her family!
We look so innocent! :) (don't you just love my braces?)
Than in July 2010 Tiff and her youth group went to Chicago, so I was happy to meet them up there.
We had a fantastic time catching up with one another.
The most recent time she was here was for my high school graduation on
May 19, 2011.
Tiff and I may be miles apart, but we will always have a bond that no one may understand. We are always able to pick up right where we left off. She has been a great friend and been there for me during the hard, and happy times. Now she will be graduating this May from high school, and I will be finishing my freshman year of college.We have both grown up so much and I can't wait to see how the Lord will use her.
I Love you Tiff and miss you!